The purpose of the creation of the Intersectoral Network for Coffee Growing (Café In RED) is implicit in policies that are defined by its mission, vision and objectives.


To establish the bases of a system of coordination, synergy and concurrence among academic institutions, civil associations, private sector and government, under a model of research, technological development and innovation, to articulate actions, projects and programs aimed at the sustainability and competitiveness of the mexican coffee-growing.


To be a leading group at the national and international levels in promoting improvements in public policies, inter-institutional and inter-sectoral collaborations, based on the generation of new knowledge and the transfer of available scientific information. Synchronizing policies, programs, instruments and actions of the three orders of government towards the links of the coffee production chain, in an integral approach of value added, conservation, sustainable management and competitiveness of mexican coffee-growing.


Foster an environment that fosters interdisciplinary and intersectoral exchange and a physical and virtual space to coordinate the efforts of the different institutions and organizations to generate synergies, under the objective of generating sustainable development for mexican coffee-growing.

Generate and maintain a system of information related to coffee, which functions as a data warehouse, available to network members and the user public; in addition to generating and analyzing information on relevant topics relevant to the different moments of coffee-growing, to improve communication and coordination between academia, the coffee sector and its allies in the public sector of Mexico.

Monitor the activities of the network and carry out a permanent diagnosis to identify problems and attend to the knowledge and development of coffee growing in Mexico. In addition to facilitating the creation of synergies of work in a coordinated way, which obey collective guidelines, between members of the Network or as a whole.

Cafe In RED thematic comissions

  • System of Intelligence
  • Technological development
  • Ambiente y Conservación
  • Economic development and Competitiveness
  • Society and Culture
  • Productive Diversification

To cover the expenses of the network through various sources of financing, including: the preparation and execution of R + D + I projects to address the specific problems identified by the Network members and their users; Collection of membership dues from participating institutions; And the provision of information, analysis and training services to users in the productive and public sector.

Develop and issue consensus opinions, and participate with a collegial and independent position, in the improvement of public policies (that remain beyond the political cycles) with respect to the sustainable development of the coffee production chain in Mexico.

Institutional partners
